Ralph Fiennes Talks Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

Some movie franchises go for big NAME superstars… others, like the Harry Potter series, go for big time TALENT. The addition of Ralph Fiennes to the cast was just the latest brilliant move (as a side note, I’m not really all that thrilled with the Harry Potter franchise up to this point… I found the movies are “ok” to “pretty good” at best… but the performances by the cast has always been solid.

Now, with the release of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire looming closer and closer, Ralph Fines spoke with CBS News about his role in the newest Potter film. WARNING… THIS COULD BE CONSIDERED A SPOILER BY SOME… SO READ WITH CAUTION:

“I’ve done with the Harry Potter, it’s just one big scene at the end of the movie, Lord Voldemort appears for the first time, in something of a kin to human form, I can’t give too much away but I had a great time filming it. I’m very, very mean to Harry Potter, very mean..”

If you want to know just how good this guy is at portraying EVIL, you should really runout and rent the third Hannibal Lecter movie “Red Dragon“. Oh man… Fiennes almost made me soil myself in that one.

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