Terry Gilliam has been loosing some of his luster in my eyes over the last 8 weeks or so. First throws a temper tantrum like a 4 year old child not getting his own way and almost refuses to finish The Brothers Grimm because Miramax made 2 small changes to the project (Changing one of the actresses and getting a new Cinematographer. Then Brothers Grimm sucked (and the suckage had nothing to do with one actress or the cinematography) and now it’s coming out that Gilliam is blaming to audience of being too narrow minded to understand and appreciate his movie.
That’s an old sounding trick. If your movie sucks, start spewing some artistic rationale about your film and lament openly that people just “don’t get it”. The good folks over at M&C give us this:
Terry Gilliam is convinced The Brothers Grimm has been critically slammed because an adult audience is too narrow-minded to appreciate his fantasy-driven work.
“One of the things I enjoy about my films is that children really love them. They are open-minded. As we get older we seem to close in. We limit the size of the world we limit everything about it. We have to break that shell open sometimes and Grimm is just a desperate attempt to do so.”
TO MR. TERRY GILLIAM: Dear Sir, you are a great director and have shown us may times that you know what you’re doing. However, you just choked on The Brothers Grimm. It was a poor and sloppy movie… and we know you can do better. The fault does not lie with us, the audience. We did not fail to “get it”. The fault lies with the movie. It was terrible. The fault sir, lies with you.
And that’s ok. Everyone in every profession has a bad day at the office. We believe your next film will be great. Just don’t blame us if it’s not. ~ John Campea