Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift review

FastandtheFurious-S2k.jpgCalm down a moment, it’s only the script so far, but it seems like it might be a completely biased review anyway, and Asian Movies think so too. Through them, from Latino Review, comes a review from a script reading:

There ya have it. A movie about Japanese racing culture. Drift racing. Big friggin’ deal. The script bored me and was a painful read hence 2 stars. The story sucked. The only good thing is that it tears away from the formula of the first two films about Paul Walker having to infiltrate whatever gang. Street racing whether here, Japanese, or on the moon just doesn’t interest me but I’m sure a lot of the young kids out there and especially the Japanese will dig it and the drifting scenes. This movie is basically a fish out of water story and the plot doesn’t kick in till halfway. The only thing returning from the 1st two films is producer Neal Moritz. Paul Walker supposedly gave them the idea for this film but he doesn’t have to worry because he isn’t missing out on much.

Well it does read as though the reviewer doesn’t like racing movies. Me, I just saw Initial D, and although some of the story was weak and not very well executed, I loved the racing scenes and filming style. Superb, especially on a good home cinema system.

Perhaps I might give the script a better review, or perhaps since it’s about racing it won’t read that well without the visuals of the races…still, it didn’t seem to break much ground. Still, another excuse to get an S2000 on the site – that’s my car that is!

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