Transformers Writers speak

OptimusPrime.jpgOver at The Sci-Fi Blog they have some words from the writers on The Transformers movie, whatever it ends up being called. Some of it is good, and a little is not so hot.

Q: So Megatron, tank or gun?
A: We are handling everything like a Supreme Court. We are taking everything in from the fans and taking it under judicial review. Treating every decision like it’s law. I don’t know how we can do it without making Megatron a tank…that’s probably how where we’re going to end up.

Q: So are you thinking Generation 1, Generation 2? Mixture of both?
A: A mixture actually, there will be a lot of G1 but also some new characters that people have never seen before.

Q: Michael Bay is still attached, how much influence is he having?
A: A lot, its a really great group …everyone loves the franchise, loves the universe, we want to make a great movie

Q: Don Murphy wants the original voiceover actors is that something you guys have in mind?
A: We’ve been writing it with them in mind because since we we’re fans that’s the voices we have in our heads…I think its going to ultimately be up to Michael

Now I differ slightly in the views of these guys, I’d be in the Transformers purist camp. I’d want to see the original onscreen, and that means the voices and the characters, so Megatron should be a Gun. Sure he can’t be a handgun but he could transform into a huge cannon of some type and still retain size…in my head (and I may be wrong) I thought there was a tank Transformer already.

As for the Bay part…oh sweet lord I really do hope his involvement is minimal. What do you think?

The full interview is over at IESB, although there’s not much more asked there are a couple of video interviews with them.

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