Superb news that Brannon Braga, one of the names tied with the downfall of Star Trek, has announced he’s leaving the entire franchise! From the conversations about the possible prequel and the death of the promising Enterprise, we know that the fans out there wanted him gone. Well there you go, he will be!
According to Cinematical have the news that he’s also been dismissing the rumours we’ve been hearing about another prequel series that they had slated to destroy. He’s said that he’ll have nothing to do with a prequel and if asked he’ll turn it down.
Trek kingpin William Shatner, however, has no such reservations. On a recent appearance on the Tony Danza Show Shatner announced that he was writing some novels about Kirk and Spock in their younger years, and he intends to pitch them to Paramount as the basis for a new series.
Okay, let’s slow down a little here. Braga is out, I think from the reaction of fans we’ve had before you want Berman to go next, then perhaps all the fans could get together and try and bring Enterprise back to life?
That’s cool, but the prospect of the original cast as youngsters? That sounds really cheap to me…I think the fans would prefer to leave that aspect of the franchise alone now (I know I would) and move on…although not too far as I’d really love to see them get back to the Enterprise series, I really loved that.
Star Trek fans out there, how good is this really?