No Green Hornet and Dogma 2?

KevinSmith3.jpgKevin Smith has been talking across the Internet with his fans and typical Internet flamers, and there’s some interesting information coming out on the subject of Clerks 2, a sequel to Dogma and the Green Hornet movie.

Cinematical have the news.

…Clerks 2 will not be called Passion of the Clerks. Instead, they will stick with the title Clerks 2. On writing and/or directing a comic book-type flick, he says “I ain’t touching one of those superhero movies, man. Too much pressure, too much carping from the fan base. Plus, if I make one myself, I forfeit the right to make fun of other comic book movies.” Hmm, does that mean no Green Hornet?

One fan asked if he was going to make a sequel to Dogma and, surprisingly, he may. “Back when I made Dogma, I always maintained that another movie about religion wouldn’t be forthcoming, as Dogma was the product of 28 years of religious and spiritual meditation, and I’d kinda shot my wad on the subject. Now? I think I might have more to say.” I’m sure you (the reader) has more to say, so have at it.

Well none of that really interests me apart from the no Green Hornet. That’s a real disappointment for me I was looking forward to a movie adaptation of that, I don’t mind it won’t be Smith, but he would have had an interesting take on the topic.

What about the possibility of a Dogma 2?

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