A little while ago we posted a story about Russell Crowe contemplating leaving Hollywood. Well… it looks like the decision may be taken out of his hands for him.
We all remember that little phone throwing incident… just the latest in his ominous bone headed moves. Well, looks like there could be more than a fine. According to the online magazine “Tonight“, if Russell Crowe is found guilty of second degree assault when he appears in court for the matter, there is a very real chance that he’ll lose his US working Visa:
Nestor Estrada was reportedly struck in the face, leaving him needing stitches for a serious facial wound. The incident happened at the swanky Mercer hotel after a row broke out between the actor and the member of staff over a phone in his room – which he claimed didn’t work when he tried to contact his wife Danielle Spencer
Crowe, who is famed for his wild temper, reportedly ripped the handset from the socket in the lavish suite before storming downstairs and attacking the hapless employee.
I doubt this will actually happen… but it is a real possibility. Rules are rules. And even though I think Russell Crowe is hands down the best pure actor in Hollywood today… to hell with him. He’s proved over and over again that he doesn’t appreciate the fame or success. If he keeps making movies… then great. If he gets banned from working in Hollywood because of this… then that’s what he gets.