Now for those of you staunch fans of Harry Potter I would suggest you read no further. Seriously. If you’re the kind of person that gets upset when you hear speculations about films or books you haven’t yet seen or read, then you should look away and not read anymore. Seriously.
Okay, just us left? Good.
Well there’s speculation coming out from sources such as Daneil Radcliffe, J.K. Rowling and Jim Dale (the voice of the U.S. Audiobooks) that Harry Potter may well die in the last book\film.
Oh heavens. I think I wet myself. (Sarcasm) Obviously these are responses to direct questions. They could have been asked “Will Harry Potter turn into a Garden Gnome?” and they would have got “Well, he could be…” and there goes the speculation! Or in Radcliffe’s case he just expressed what he would do if he wrote the series.
However that’s the news from Cinematical…and why not? The stories are getting darker and heavier all the time, perhaps something like that might well happen.
I’ve always thought, and bear in mind I don’t read the books, that Potter doesn’t turn out to be the hero. After all the movies so far have shown him as somewhat inept and only until the latest one does he happen on a use of magic that is actually positive…and really he’s helped out hugely in that final scene. Perhaps it’s not he that is the hero, but some other relative?…