We all love lists, mostly because we get to rip other people’s opinions, but still we love them. The good folks over at DVD Talk have just released their list of the Top 10 Hollywood mainstream DVD releases of 2005. I don’t totally agree with the order of the list… but it is an interesting one nonetheless and sure to spark some discussion.
So read over the list and leave your thoughts in the comments section about what you thought about it. What shouldn’t have been on there? What should have been there that wasn’t? My short thoughts are in the brackets. So now, here’s the list:
1) Serenity (Nice to see this hit the #1 spot)
2) Sin City: Recut, Extended, Unrated (meh, I wasn’t as impressed with this as most people… but LOVED the original film)
3) Cinderella Man (Still in my opinion the Best Film of 2005 hands down)
4) Star Wars – Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (Love or hate the new films, no one does a DVD like LucasFilm does)
5) Titanic – Collector’s Edition (I have to admit there are some GREAT new features on this otherwise boring film)
6) Batman Begins (One of my favorite films of 2005, but not thrilled with the DVD release)
7) The Incredibles (In my opinon, the best overall film on this whole list)
8) Frighteners – Special Edition (Peter Jackson getting some hidesight love)
9) Overnight, Murderball and Tell Them Who You Are (a threeway tie for docs)
10) Sideways (Once again… great film… but I wasn’t blown away by the DVD)
So there you have it. Your thoughts?