Bloodrayne reviewed, stars defend

Bloodrayne-Loken.jpgI just caught a review of Bloodrayne and it’s bad, very bad. I mean the review is good but the movie sounds awful. At the same time we’re hearing one of the stars involved attempting to defend it and Uwe Boll to the very end.

First up we have the words of some of the stars from VH1:

“I totally do want to validate Uwe Boll in the pantheon of the horror genre,” – Billy Zane

“We know that over time the work will speak for itself…With that being said, he’s a great guy and I’d be happy to continue working for him.” – Kristanna Loken

Neither sounds particularly positive, but then Zane goes all out.

“He has totally made his mark and put his naysayers and critics to rest with this film…The guy’s a maverick; the way he directs, the way he funds his own movies, the way he distributed his film … love him or hate him, he’s a true individual, and I dig the guy.”…”You’re looking at ‘Lord of the Rings’ on acid. It’s massive, and epic, and really twisted.”…”It doesn’t apologize or go [politically correct]; it’s a splatter-fest. You need a raincoat when you go see this movie. … I’ve heard responses on the Web with people saying ‘It’s about time. No studio would ever do that!’ “

Which sites would those be? It sounds like the high-end actor Zane is really intense on this movie…but Lord of the Rings on Acid…perhaps the audience have to be, or wearing raincoats to avoid the flood of tears at wasting time and money on the movie!

Checking out one of the first reviews I’ve seen over at FilmFodder I’d side against Zane on that one.

…the film is a giant smear of characters and plots…It’s strange to watch Boll continually stage sequences he has no idea how to capture properly…Boll is terrible with action, making the battle choreography found in the film feel as motivated as the mid-day entertainment at the local renaissance festival, and then he cuts the material to ribbons to cover up his mistakes…”BloodRayne” is a visual joke…a string of cameos by actors who just wanted a free Romanian vacation…and give increasingly deplorable performances.

That enough for you? Has anyone actually ventured to go see this?

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