Thandie Newton Is the New Bond Girl

Thandie NewtonWhat a huge, massive and stupid mistake. The producers of the new James Bond film, Casino Royale, have cast one of the worst actresses I’ve seen in a LONG time as the new Bond girl… Thandie Newton.

I’m totally baffled by this. Newton has just wrecked every role she’s been in. Her “performance” in Mission Impossible 2 was easily one of the biggest disasters on screen I’ve ever seen. She was horrible in The Chronicles of Riddick, and amongst titans and fantastic performances around her, she even managed to screw up her role in Crash.

There are other films… and other disasters. I can’t not for the life of me understand why she is now a Bond Girl. Yes, the girl is drop dead beautiful… no doubt… but she’s also talentless.

Look, I don’t like sounding so harsh… I really don’t. But unless she’s taken some massive acting lessons, this beautiful girl is just painful to watch on the screen.

The good folks over at M&C give us the following:

Several leading actresses, including Angelina Jolie and Charlize Theron, had been wanted by bosses to star opposite Craig but all reportedly turned down the role. Earlier this month, it was reported that producers had narrowed down their search to just four actresses. Rachel Stirling, the daughter of former Bond girl Diana Rigg, was one of the screen beauties said to be on the shortlist with Thandie.

Well, here’s hoping she has little enough screen time to prevent her from dragging the film too far down.

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