The 2006 Bloggie Awards

2006 BloggiesHey there folks. Over the last couple of days a number of you have written to me to let me know you’ve nominated us for various awards (all for which I am VERY grateful to you all). In that vein, the 2006 Bloggie Awards are upon us. A few of you have nominated us already, and I thought I’d take Richard’s advice and make sure the rest of you knew about it.

If you’d like to nominate The Movie Blog’s Audio Edition for “Best Podcast“, or in any of the other categories such as “Best Entertainment Blog”, “Best Canadian Blog” or good heavens “Weblog of the Year”, you can head on over and nominate us HERE.

So once again, you can head over to the official website for the 2006 Bloggie Awards to nominate The Movie Blog or any other great blog you’d like. Thanks! (end of shameless self promotion and sniveling begging)

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