Desperate Travolta Writing His Own Romantic Comedy

Travolta-Battlefield.jpgThe tale of John Travolta is both an inspiring one… and a sad one. The man’s career was DEAD for more than 10 years… and then suddenly he burst back on the scene with a string of hit films. That string got snapped when he decided to make a film himself based on the work of the deceased figurehead of his religion (Scientology)… and the world was subjected to what is in my opinion the single worst film in the history of Hollywood “Battlefield Earth“. The man has had flop after flop after flop since.

So what does the man do? He decides to make his own film again! This time it’s a romantic comedy (oh joy). The good folks over at Moviehole offer up this:

Travolta has written a romantic-comedy, which he tells the site, will film in the U.K. “It’s a tear-jerker. Fans will love it, but there’s a love theme throughout”, he says, adding that he also plans to sing the movie’s theme song

Travolta will sing the theme??? Oh well that fixes EVERYTHING then (please note tone). This could get scary.

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