Arrested Development Movie

Arrested Development MovieJust the other day my friend Dave Blondel from Pocket Sized Films was over here and asking me if I’ve ever watched Arrested Development… to which I replied “no” (I don’t watch a lot of TV besides Battlestar Galactica, news and sports). He then went on about how amazing the show is (I’ve read a lot of people say that too).

Well perhaps the TV gods heard that conversation and decided that John needed to see the show in his own native language of film… so now here comes rumbling that there may indeed be an Arrested Development movie on its way. The good folks over at Cinema Confidential give us this:

“Arrested Development” TV series creator Mitch Hurwitz has quit the show, leaving little hope for the series to continue on another network for a fourth season. But could it follow in the footsteps of “Firefly” and be resurrected as a feature film? The trade hints as such. Hurwitz hints to the trade that while “Arrested Development” has run its course as a TV series, a feature film is a possibilty for the future.

So what do you think? I’m not really in a position to comment on if this is a good idea or not since I haven’t seen the show… so the floor is yours.

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