It’s an odd feeling. The Oscars are being handed out tonight… and I basically couldn’t care less about them this year. Why is that odd? Because I usually look forward to the Oscars almost as much as Christmas (yes yes… I really am a movie geek).
For years I would host Oscar parties, everyone would come, we’d have Oscar picks with prizes, great food and watch all the speeches. They were good times. And then yesterday rolled along and a story popped up on CNN about the Oscars and I caught myself going “Holy crap… the Oscars are tomorrow?!?!” I didn’t even notice them coming this year.
So why my dispondency about the 2006 Oscars? I’m not really sure, but I have a few theories.
1) Films I haven’t seen yet getting the buzz
More and more films are getting the big “Oscar Buzz” before even being released (as close to new years as possible). It’s hard to get enthusiastic about the Oscars early when you haven’t even see most of the films getting “buzz”. It’s an annoying trend in Hollywood.
2) Lack of quality in the nominees.
Sorry, I know many of you disagree with me, but I find most of the films nominated this year don’t deserve being up there. Overrated films being rewarded for things other than having the best quality (in my opinion). IE. Brokeback Mountain being rewarded for being brave (and it did take guts and risk to make this movie, make no mistake about it), but no way in hell does it deserve all the buzz it’s got. It’s a good little film, but that’s it.
3) Perhaps March is too late for the awards.
Hold them closer to the year… say late January. I know that would pose some logistic problems, but I’m sure they could be worked around. But by March it’s hard to still have enthusiasm (but maybe its just me)
4) Maybe I’m just pissed off that I’m not there.
Two separate giant media companies asked if I wanted to go to the Oscars this year to blog them…. my hopes went sky high…. and then BOTH fell through. $&@#^!!!!!
Maybe its one of those things… maybe its all of them. I’m not sure. But the fact remains that I’m less interested in the Oscars this year that I can ever remember. Doug, Darren and I will be gathered tonight to watch the event… but that’s just so we can do the Audio Edition tomorrow about it… and probably to see Jon Stewart. Other than those 2 reasons… I almost couldn’t care less…. and as a rabid film fan that honestly makes me sad.