United 93 Behind the Scenes Video

United 93 PosterEver since the trailer for the new film United 93 came out, a lot of people have been bashing the project saying it’s someone trying to cash in on the tragedy of the events of 9/11. I never bought that. I still don’t buy that (well… at least until I see the movie). Perhaps that bashing is what’s behind the release of this behind the scenes video of United 93, which talks about how director Paul Greengrass went and talked to the families of the victims of Flight 93 before going ahead with the movie.

This short little video is pretty moving. Several family members of victims talking about how they wanted this film to get made, and to tell the stories of their loved ones.

Is the studio hoping to make money on this? Obviously they are… it’s still a business. But in doing this film, I don’t think they crossed any lines, and appear to have gone about it the right way. Final judgement will have to wait until we see the film to decide is they succeeded or not. (via AICN)

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