Angels and Demons Movie To Follow Da Vinci

Angels-And-DemonsOne of the unshakable truths in Hollywood is that no matter how poor a movie is, if it makes money the studio will make a sequel. True, Angels and Demons isn’t a sequel to Da Vinci (it’s Browns third book, Da Vinci is his fourth), but it’s the same thing.

So on the heals of the #13 largest opening weekend in history (ironically just behind Passion of the Christ at #12) with $77 million domestically, Sony is rushing to announce that they are indeed going to start work on Angels and Demons. Haven’t heard of it? Neither have most people, but here’s a synopsis from The Times:

Angels and Demons was the reclusive author’s third novel after he gave up his job as an English teacher. It tells the story of Langdon’s brush with a shadowy secret society, the Illuminati, and his frantic quest for the world’s most powerful energy source, in the company of a beautiful Italian physicist whose father, a brilliant physicist, has been murdered.

Sound familiar? It should. Because now read the synopsis for Da Vinci:

The formula may sound familiar to fans of The Da Vinci Code, his fourth book, which has become a publishing phenomenon, selling more than 45 million copies. It concerns Langdon’s brush with a shadowy secret society, Opus Dei, and his frantic quest for the Holy Grail in the company of a beautiful French cryptologist whose grandfather, the Louvre’s curator, has been murdered.


Am I looking forward to Angels and Demons? Nope. But Sony would be morons not to make a follow up film with that kind of money on the line. Thanks to James for the heads up.

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