Da Vinci Code Takes $77 Million

The weekend boxoffice numbers are in, and they are impressive for a couple of reasons. First of all, The Da Vinci Code (despite being a bad movie, see my review a little later today) took in a fantastic $77 million this weekend, giving it the #13 spot on all time opening weekend numbers. (Ironically, the movie in front of it at #12 is Passion of the Christ).

What is even more impressive is Over The Hedge. Over The Hedge took in over $37 million. I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember if I’ve EVER seen a film at #1 with over $50 million, and the #2 film have over $35 million at the same time. It was a good weekend for the boxoffice for sure.

Can you imagine how much Da Vinci would have made if it didn’t open against a kids film like Over The Hedge on the same weekend? Scary thought!

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