Oh that crazy George and his all his wackiness. The Indiana Jones 4 project has been bouncing around like a frigging “happy fun ball” for years. Oh we’re almost ready… or we’re not quite ready… oh we’re starting in a month… oh we’re starting filming this year… oh we’re not doing it now… ok the script is ready… ok the script will be ready in a year. Morons.
Meanwhile, us Indy fans have sat by very patiently. We’ve endured the re-writes, the false rumours, the true rumours that then got changed. And more than anything else we have WAITED. Waited and waited and waited with this carrot of a promise dangling in front of us that there will indeed be an Indiana Jones 4. I’m beginning to not believe it.
I was more excited than anyone for an Indiana Jones 4 about a year ago. I was naive enough to believe all the crap George and Steven and Harrison had been dishing out. Everything seemed so immanent. “We’re almost there… We’re almost there!!!”. And then we’d wait more. Then wait more. Then George says “We’re ready! We’re going to start filming this year!” Fantastic! I was thrilled… but then once again we heard nothing.
Then Spielberg announces he’s taking a year off. WTF!?!?!?! Then word of more script re-writes. All the while Ford continues to age, Steven stays silent on things, and George gets himself busy again with Star Wars TV stuff. Well… enough is enough.
Today I was reading on a couple of my favorite sites that George has once again said (via an interview with MTV) the script is ready, and they’ll be filming NEXT year. Hurray right? WRONG!
I don’t buy it anymore. I no longer believe this thing is ever going to happen, and I refuse to invest anymore of my enthusiasm or anticipation in this thing. I may be stupid… but even a stupid person can only conned and teased for so long, and I’ve reached that limit.
So screw you George, screw you Spielberg (although the two of you are still my heroes) and screw you too Ford. I’m not buying it anymore! THERE ISN’T GOING TO BE AN INDIANA JONES 4!
And if it does miraculously get made, I’ll be stunned and shocked… but now I just don’t care anymore. Fudge.