Movie Blog Hits 1 Million Visitor Month Mark

Ok, before I say anything else you have to keep this in perspective. Compared to other movie sites out there, The Movie Blog is TINY TINY TINY. There are bigger and better sites out there that get more traffic in a day than we get in a month.

So yes, there are much bigger… and much much better movie sites out there… but this is still happy news for me.

As of today, The Movie Blog, for the first time in its history, has just past the 1 million visits mark in a 30 day period. I know that still makes us small potatoes… but to me it’s a big deal and I just wanted to share it with you guys.

So thank you guys for making this such a fun site to work on! Your emails and conversation in the comments is what makes doing this site and The Audio Edition worth doing! Some of you have been here since we started (July will be the 3rd anniversary), some of you are new… but to all of you I say “Thanks”.

Keep the conversation going!



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