Doug Nagy Has Left The Building

John-DougDoug Nagy, my good friend and co-host of The Audio Edition from day #1 is no longer with The Movie Blog. Doug’s life has just got totally hectic and something had to give.

Doug’s situation has changed a lot over the last couple of months, and now making it here and the time it took to do the shows was starting to interfere with other commitments he has. He will be VERY VERY missed around here.

Doug was my co-host for the very first Audio Edtion way back on November 10th 2004, and in the 165 episodes we’ve done since, Doug has only missed 2 of them (I’ve actually missed more shows than he has!). The Campea/Nagy on air team is no more. It is a sad day (although he and I will still get in lots of trouble off air for sure).

Along with Darren (our fabulous Monday Round Table partner for almost a year) Doug and I celebrated our Podcast of the Year award, the first time our show got over 100,000 downloads in a month, freaked out the first time a couple of celebrities emailed us about the show, and just in general had a really good time.

But life is life, and sometimes you don’t always get to do the thing you enjoy when other things require your attention. I support Doug’s decision, even though it means The Audio Edition will never be the same.

So here is a question I have for you guys… since The Audio Edition has always been Doug and myself, and Doug won’t be here anymore… should we continue with The Audio Edition? Is it time for us to just pack up shop? We were the first Movie Site to have a podcast, we won Podcast of the Year, we have been the best damn podcast on the internet for almost 2 years now (but I’m biased)… so is it just time for us to close it up? Or should we keep the show going with Darren, myself and maybe others? Let me know in the poll below.

Should the Audio Edition continue without Doug? Should the Audio Edition continue without Doug?
Yes – Keep the show going with John, Darren and others
No – It's been a great run, time to shut it down
Web Polls by Vizu

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