‘Pee-wee’s Playhouse The Movie

Pee-Wee-Playhouse-MovieOh wow. My Audio Edition co-host Doug Nagy is a big Paul Reubens fan (AKA Pee Wee Herman). Not so much the actor… but more as Pee-Wee Herman. Me personally, I think the guy is pretty funny, but I don’t hold the same emotional connection that some other people do (although I thought he was HILARIOUS in The Mystery Men).

There have been rumblings for some time that Reubens would make a return as Pee-Wee, but nothing has ever really come of it. Well now apparently Time Magazine is reporting that a return other than the Jedi or the King is upon us. Here’s what Reubens had to say about a Pee-Wee’s Playhouse movie:

“In the TV series Pee-wee almost never left the Playhouse. The movie script is just the opposite. This is a road picture, an epic adventure story where all of the characters leave the Playhouse when one of them disappears.”

I don’t know if I should be interested or very very scared. Is this really a good idea? Does it have any hope of being watchable at all other than for a quick novelty shot or nostalgia points? I know Doug will be in line for this, but will anyone else?

Seriously… could a project like this one really have any serious chances of making money at the box office? At this point… I really don’t think so. What do you think?

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