Spider-Man 3 Getting Imax Release

I feel like one of the “Have nots”. I must confess that I haven’t been to an IMAX screening (Aside for a couple of documentaries that were specifically made for the format). But everyone I ever talk to who has, always raves about the experience. Well that experience is about to get a major shot in the arm as Spider-Man 3 will swing onto it next year.

The good folks over at M&C give us this:

Warner Bros. has a stranglehold on IMAX the record book, with movies such as ‘Batman Begins,’ ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ and ‘Superman Returns’ opening on IMAX screens on the same day as their wide theatrical release. ‘The simultaneous IMAX release of `Spider-Man 3` allows us to celebrate one of the most anticipated motion picture events of the year in an exciting event format,’ said Rory Bruer, Sony`s president of domestic distribution.

I think this is going to be the film I go to see at the IMAX on opening day. With all the swinging, jumping and leaping going on, it’s going to be a spectacle to see on that massive screen. Spider-Man 3 may end up being a totally crap film (I doubt that), but even if it sucks, you know there still going to be a lot of action in it. Perfect for the IMAX. I’m there.

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