300 The Movie

A lot of you have been hearing about this new movie “300“. Here’s the skinny on it. It’s a Frank Miller graphic Novel (Yes, the same Sin City Frank Miller). Here’s the synopsis from Amazon:

An emperor amasses an army of hundreds of thousands, drawn from two continents, to invade a third continent and conquer a tiny, divided nation. Only a few hundred warriors stand against them. Yet the tiny nation is saved. It sounds like the plot of a preposterous fantasy novel. It is historical fact. In 481-480 B.C., King Xerxes of Persia raised forces in Asia and Africa and invaded Greece with an army so huge that it “drank rivers dry.” Then they entered the mountain pass of Thermopylae and encountered 300 determined soldiers from Sparta.

I wasn’t there to see the footage at Comic-Con, but from all reports it looked amazing! I haven’t read 300 myself… I think I need to run out and grab myself a copy of it today, because everyone says it just rules.

3 posters for 300 have been released, here’s a look at them. Holy crap do they ever have a Sin City feel to them.


If you’d like to see even larger versions of them, you can go here.

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