Hey guys. Just a heads up. There won’t be an Audio Edition tonight. I have the pleasure of playing host to a friend from the land of the Aussies tonight that will keep us from the show. Sorry. However….
Monday’s Audio Edition is going to be a lot of fun. Not only is Darren Conley going to be joining me… but we have a special round table guest.
Bruxy Cavey, minister of one of Canada’s largest churches and author of “The End Of Religion” is going to be joining us as well (That’s him in the picture). Bruxy is one of the guys I interviewed for my documentary (The Prince of Peace – The God of War), is a huge movie buff… and as Doug once said “Has some of the most bitchen beard art on the planet”.
If nothing else, it’ll make for a REALLY different point of view for the show. And different points of view always crank out good discussion. I’m excited about it.
(Also, I’m on the road for the first part of today… so today’s posts will come this afternoon)