Tom Cruise in Comedy?

Besides having evolved himself into a total Jack Ass… Tom Cruise is a VERY talented and diverse actor. A lot of people tend to forget that before doing Mission Impossible style action or heavy The Firm or Magnolia type drama, Tom Cruise did some comedy in his younger career.

I was reading an article in the USA Today about the state Cruise is in these days, and I came across this really interesting piece of info:

He could go funny, returning to those Risky Business and Losin’ It roles that made him so endearing. The 40-Year-Old Virgin director Judd Apatow told Entertainment Weekly he has been talking with Cruise about making a comedy.

Really?!?! Tom Cruise in a Judd Apatow film? Now honestly… think about that for a minute… that could be just the kind of project that could soften Cruise’s image in the public and get his PR moving in the right direction again… especially if he’s open to some self-depreciating comedy. I think people would eat it up. What do you think?

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