Back in January John posted about Will Smith quitting movies to spend more time with his family. Well it looks like that didnt really happen. He has the drama Pursuit of Happyness coming out soon (staring his son as his son) and he is back in production with a lineup leading into ’08 already.
MovieWeb calls this:
Robert Neville is the last living man on Earth… but he is not alone. Every other man, woman, and child has become a vampire, and they are all hungry for Neville’s blood.
Now, as much as I look forward to seeing Will Smith in movies again, I am not piqued by this synopisis at all.
Don’t get me wrong, its not Smith that has me unthrilled about I am Legend. Its the plot. I am all for sensless zombie slaying movies, stories of survival. But this one has me lacking for one reason. If he wins, he loses.
The idea is that he is the “last man alive on earth”, a status that I am told still wont get me a date. The entire surviving post apocalyptic population is trying to eat you. If you survive, there will always be more. If you win, then you are all alone, with nothing, with no one, surrounded by the unbelievable pile of your foe’s bodies.
Yay for winning.
Hopefully there will be a twist and Smith will discover a pocket of survivors. If he does, I bet one of them is a hottie.