Lake Of Fire – Abortion Documentary

Tony-KayeThe director of the fantastic American History X, Tony Kaye, is apparently getting ready to unleash a documentary about abortion that hes been working on for 12 years. This interests me for 2 reasons. First of all I’m interested in seeing what Kaye can do with a documentary, and second, the abortion issue is one that has been talked about to death… without anyone actually communicating.

Ok, here’s the deal. Both sides of the Abortion issue, Pro-Life and Pro-Choice (names which suggests the other side is Anti-Life or Anti-choice) have usually acted like children when dealing with the other side. I’ve never once in my life met a pro-life person who wants to oppress women. I’ve also never met a pro-choice person who just wants to kill babies for the sake of convenience. And yet that’s how each side paints the other. How on earth can there be any REAL dialog on an issue this large when neither side wants to act like… you know… adults? So like I said, lots has been said about abortion… but communication has been non-existent.

Will Kaye bring any more intelligence to the issue in Lake of Fire? I don’t know. I hope he does. If he just keeps repeating the same rhetoric that the two sides have been shouting, then I’ll have to agree with my Friend Jay over at The Documentary Blog when he asks:

Is this beating a dead horse? Is there really enough new information to sustain a two and a half hour film on this topic?

Let’s hope he brings something new… and intelligent to the table.

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