The Hollywood Movie Awards

Hollywood-AwardsWell this is the sign that we’re approaching the awards season. There are obviously too many of them, but like all subjective things they can be fun to at least talk about. First up to bat is the Hollywood Movie Awards which is a part of the Hollywood Film Festival running from October 18th to the 23rd. I should see if I can get Sharon in there.

Don’t expect to see the same nominees at the Hollywood Movie Awards that you see at the Oscars. Like the MTV Movie Awards, these awards are geared more towards fan favorites, and even though a panel comes up with the nominees list, the winner is voted on my the public. And lest we forget, last year the top award for “Movie of the Year” went to Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Yay!!!!

Alright, you can stop rolling your eyes at me now. Anyway, this year the nominees list looks just as questionable. The good folks over at Cinematical give us this:

nominees for best film of the year include: Cars, Mission: Impossible III, Superman Returns, and X-Men: The Last Stand. World film nominees include Pedro Almodovar’s highly anticipated Volver and the fantastical Pan’s Labyrinth from Guillermo del Toro. The Hollywood Film Festval is, predictably, in Hollywood and runs from October 18th through the 23rd, culminating in the Hollywood Awards which will be held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, a standard for non-Oscar awards events in town.

Well, it’s nice to see that other people with taste (cough cough) enjoyed Superman Returns (ducking and diving). To further the credibility of the event, Lindsay Lohan is receiving the “Breakthrough” award… you know… as long as she actually shows up and isn’t too hung over to make her appearance.

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