Around The Web – October 11th 2006

Here is some of the other movie news floating around the web today that you might find interesting:

Perfume Poster
I like it. From the same director who did “Run Lola Run”

Flushed Away Poster
I have next to no hope for this animated movie at all

Charlotte’s Web Posters and images
This movie, like the original story, is going to just rule. I can’t wait to see it. About 40 posters and images from the movie here.

Rush Hour 3 Set Pictures
Don’t even get me started

Rachel Weisz Joins The Brothers Bloom

“It’s about these two guys who grow up in and out of foster homes as kids and they learn to survive by becoming con men. It starts out with this ten-minute sequence of them pulling their first con as kids. It has a kind of Paper Moon-type feel to it, that opening sequence. But in the rest of the movie it’s them as adults. It’s not period but it’s very much its own world, if that makes any sense. I think the style of it will owe more to the earlier part of the 20th century than the later.”

New Line trying to find new home for Blade TV Show
I watched the whole first season, and to be honest I didn’t hate it. The only weak part of the series was the guy who actually played Blade. Which is too bad.

EA Ships Superman Returns: The Videogame on Nov. 20

Snakes on a Plane DVD info
Let’s see if if bombs as baddly on DVD as it did in the theaters

Scott Speedman joins Strangers
“Speedman and Liv Tyler will portray a couple living in a remote house who come under attack by three masked strangers (including one played by model Gemma Ward) and have to fight for their survival.”

Julia Roberts Joins Eat, Pray Love
The movie sounds fine enough… but I thought she said she was done with appearing in live action movies???

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