Blair Witch Director’s New Movie “Altered”

Ed Sanchez, creator and director of the crazy successful “Blair Witch Project” (and no, he didn’t have anything to do with the horrible Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows), has a new flick finally coming out called “Altered”… and it’s going straight to DVD. To bad, because it sounds like it could be amazing! Our friends over at FIlm Junk give us the following:

Altered is another low budget horror movie, this time about an alien abduction, but there’s a twist: it’s also a revenge flick. Fifteen years ago, five friends were abducted and only four returned. Now they’ve managed to capture one of the creatures responsible for taking their friend… payback is a bitch, right?

I had a chance to hang out with Sanchez a couple of years ago (that’s him and me in the pic) in Indianapolis at a little festival that I had a short film entered in (Rise fo the Tradiz!!!!). He’s such a down to earth easy going guy… which is maybe why his career didn’t take off after Blair Witch.

I think Altered sounds fantastic… can’t wait to see it. Comes out December 19th

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