Robin William’s is grateful for Mel Gibson

robin.jpg Robin WIlliams and Mel Gibson have two things in common; they are both actors and they are both alcoholics. Robin is grateful the world found out about Gibson’s boozy verbal problems the same day Williams was checking into rehab for alcoholism. The good folks over at give us this:

LOS ANGELES — Robin Williams is thankful to Mad Mel’s now infamous racist rant. Not because he agrees with anything Mel Gibson told the arresting officer when he was pulled over for drunk driving on July 29 on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.

Instead, it is because Williams went into alcohol rehab the same day. As a result, his own trauma remained a modest footnote in the media, while Gibson became the focus of attention for his astounding idiocy. “I think that allowed me a certain anonymity,” Williams said earlier this week, during interviews for his new movie, Man of the Year, opening Oct. 13. “And God does have a sense of humour. (Gibson) was stopped by the only Jewish highway patrolman.”

I love Robin Williams, even when he is admitting a serious problem like being an alcoholic he knows how to keep it light. Many people have battled the bottle in Hollywood (though for the sake on anonymity I won’t name names), it’s a big problem and it takes guts to come clean about it to the media.

Williams is a good guy who makes movies that are almost always about putting your best foot forward, I’m glad to see him doing the same for himself.

If you think you may have a problem and you are ready to put your best foot forward click on any of the following substances you are having trouble with alcohol or drugs or overeating.

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