Rosegarten Obtains Ramones Biopic Rights

Seems the news of the biopic for Motley Crue has made documentaries about rock legends the “in thing”. Looks like someone has their sights set on the Ramones.

Dark Horizons gives us:

Manager-producer Rory Rosegarten (TV’s “Everybody Loves Raymond”) has secured the rights to a feature about the seminal punk rock band the Ramones reports Variety.

Rosegarten has personally optioned “I Slept With Joey Ramone,” the authorized bio on the lead singer that was written by Ramone’s brother, Mickey Leigh, and punk chronicler Legs McNeil.

Rosegarten also negotiated a deal with the late rocker’s mother, Charlotte Lesher, who is the executor of Ramone’s estate. The family has given him access to the band’s raucous tunes.

I was never one to follow this band, nor care much for their music, but their place in history cannot be overlooked. Often called the Godfathers of Punk, this band is credited for starting the movement that brought us the Clash and the Sex Pistols.

Interesting enough that this rough edgy “in your face” punk icons will be produced by the same guy who brought us Everybody Loves Raymond? Maybe he has had a Ramones thing in his soul and has been subconsiously preparing us for this.

In Everybody Loves Raymond we have some similar sounding words… Raymond Barone? Sounds like a mix – Ray Barone.. Ramones? I might be on to something here

Hopefully the biopic will not be about Joey Ramone trying to deal with his intrusive mother and Johnny constantly complaining that Mom liked him best. (yes, I am fully aware that Ramone was a stage name they all adopted – get your mouse off that POST button)

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