I loved Superman Returns. It’s not what a lot of people were wanting from a Superman film, but I believe that once you look past what you were “wanting” or “expecting”, then you end up with a great film on it’s own merit. Many people disagree, and that’s fine, but to me Superman Returns was a great flick.
Well, according to the reliable guys over at IESB, all the “t”s have been crossed and the “i”s have been dotted and the next Superman films is greenlit and already scheduled for production starting next fall (possible September filming date”. This time the budget will be slightly smaller (which is SHOULD be) at around $175 million tops, and there will be a significant DC universe villain with a ton more action.
Second, more action, tons more action is expected this time around. The studio was quite happy with the way Supes was reintroduced to the world and next time around expect to see him in full action battle mode. We’ve been told that Superman will have the battle of his life in the sequel and audiences can expect one of the ultimate baddies in the D.C. universe to come to Metropolis to pick a fight with the Man of Steel.
Well… start the speculation on who one of the “ultimate baddies” they’re referring to is. I know I’m in the minority, but I was wanting to see Zod so that we might all kneel before him. But I don’t think he was ever a significant comic presence, so that probably rules him out.
WHo do you think it’s going to be?