Terminator 4 Writer says “No Arnie”

A lot of people are still holding on to the idea that some how… some way… Arnold Schwarzenegger will appear in Terminator 4 despite all of the reports that seemed to suggest otherwise. Well… there’s another strike against the idea… the writer of Terminator 4 says he’s not in it.

The good folks over at Coming Soon had this to say:

Terminator 4 co-writer Michael Ferris has given Entertainment Weekly a hint about what we can expect from the next installment. First, however, he addressed the questions on whether Arnold Schwarzenegger will be back. “‘Terminator 3’ kind of closed the book on Schwarzenegger, as did his gubernatorial career,” said Ferris, who wrote the fourth film with John Brancato.

Well, if that doesn’t do it, I don’t know what will. And the fact of the matter is, this is GOOD news.

I love Arnie… always have and I always will… but him getting all buffed up one last time for Terminator 3 (which was over 4 years ago when he filmed it) was just that, ONE LAST TIME. Arnold is turning 60 in a few months, and while he could still kick the living crap outta me… the fact of the matter is his action movie days are over… at least as a huge unstoppable power droid… he just can’t be believed in that role anymore.

Sure, put him in another Conan movie where you can at least make Conan an older, aging King who is called to glory one last time, or is training another to take his place… but the Terminator doesn’t age. He can’t play the same guy he did 20 years ago. It just won’t work. Some argue that it didn’t work for #3… but I thought they did it ok.

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