Uwe Boll will direct vampire western Bloodrayne II: Deliverance

cowboy.jpgVampire western? Hell yeah! If zombie movies are on the decline then I’m glad that vampire flicks are picking up the slack. I wrote an article about a Nazi Vampire movie coming out a few weeks back and now it seems there are even more neck biting movies with unique plots. The good people over at joblo.com give us this:

Infamous German videogame director Uwe Boll is setting his boxing gloves aside for now, so that he can continue directing POSTAL, based on the videogame of the same name, and ultimately get back to a couple of his previous films including BLOODRAYNE II: DELIVERANCE, which would be a vampire western! Oh, and there’s also talk of a possible BLOODRAYNE III, which would be set during World War 2.

You can see a review for the first Bloodrayne here.

Now I know that this movie won’t win any awards, it will be lucky to even get a limited release at theaters but damn it I’m happy it’s being made! I’m living in L.A., my boyfriend is in Canada and I’m horny and frustrated as hell. There is nothing like a good sexy vampire movie to take care of both moods.

Sexy people biting each other with a cowboy hat tossed in for fun. Good wholesome fun.

Now let us all hold hands and release the gothic cowboy/girl within.

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