The Thai action film “Tears of the Black Tiger” which has been collecting dust on the Miramax shelves for 5 years is finally going to see the light of day in North America thanks to Magnolia Pictures in early 2007.
The good folks at Yahoo News give us this:
Filmmaker Wisit Sasanatieng’s spaghetti Western-style movie tracks Dum, a gunslinger who falls for a high-society woman but finds his gang and her father are set on keeping them apart.
The studio nabbed all domestic rights from Miramax, which bought the rights to the film in North America, Latin America and South America and other territories shortly after it became the first Thai film to appear in competition at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival.
The Weinsteins, who used to run Miramax had become notorious for getting the rights to great asian films… and then making them sit in a vault somewhere never letting them see the light of day until all the positive buzz for the films had long since passed… or edited and ruined them. It’s good that this one is finally getting out. Make sure to check it out.