You know what I am bloody sick and fucking tired of? Not religious groups protesting things in movies… but rather studio PR departments who find one insignificant person or small group of people somewhere on the planet who happen to be religious and have a problem with a certain movie, and then spreading the story of “RELIGIOUS GROUP PROTESTS OUR MOVIE” or “CHRISTIAN IN UPROAR OVER MOVIE” in order to get some free press for their flick.
It happens all the fucking time and I’m sick of it. Take for example the latest bullshit PR of “Clack Christmas”. The press headlines would have you believe that the entire Christian faith has organized themselves into one cohesive unit to (in unison) protest and cry about the latest Hollywood film. Just look at the headline from IMDB: “Christian Groups Fume Over Christmas Horror Film”
The reality is when you finally read the story, it was a quote from ONE FUCKING GUY belonging to some insignificant group who said something negative… and the studio PR machine gets sites like the IMDB (a site I like a lot by the way) to fule the “Look how cool our movie is, it’s getting the Christians upset… so it must be cool right kiddies?” engine of the studios.
It’s all bullshit. I guess I can find 2 or 3 Americans who don’t think the Holocaust really happened and then write a big headline that says “AMERICANS DISMISS THE HOLOCAUST AS A MYTH”. That would be stupid of me… but it’s the same bloody thing happening here.
All these lame ass movies come out that are so desperate for attention they’ll hunt down SOME RELIGIOUS PERSON SOMEWHERE ON THE PLANET to say something … and then print headlines that say “Religious group demand answer for sacrilegious movie”. Good god (forgive the pun), are we really all that stupid???