Spiderman 3 Green Goblin Picture

There is a LOT of buzz about the upcoming Spiderman 3. I am right there with it. I personally loved the Spiderman movies and despite the slight variances from the original story, I still find them to be the most enjoyable because of their accuracy to the books.

Movies Online shows us:

Now with the news of the Venom Symbiote actually being from space I am encouraged that they are keeping things true to the book. Then we see THIS.

WHY???? Why does the Green Goblin (II) on a flying snowboard??? Sure you want to make Harry’s version of Goblin different than dear old dad, but whats with the Back to the Future throwback board?

I am all for updating things to make them more relevant, but only if they NEED to be updated. Heck, I dont even think the updated Veronica and Betty really needed to happen, but who am I?

It still drives me nuts that they had to make Green Goblin into a snowboarder.

Anyways, there are more images from the Premiere Magazine article here.

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