Jason and …Chucky?

chucky.jpgThe gossip around the Halloween remake is reaching a dull roar, now with the rumor that Chucky and Jason are going to be fighting each other the volume has jumped to an even louder murmur around the net. The people over at moviehole.net give us this on the subject

: Brad Dourif, best known as the man behind the iniquitous snicker of ‘Chucky’ in the “Child’s Play” series, has joined the cast of Rob Zombie’s “Halloween” remake. In a round about way that means Chucky will be taking on Michael Myers, a fellow horror icon, for the first time on film. Or at least, we get giddy with excitement thinking in those terms. Considering two different studios own the rights to Chucky and Michael, respectively, this is as close as we’re ever going to get as far as a clash of those horror icons goes. Naturally, Dourif’s not playing the redheaded stepchild of Satan, but Sheriff Brackett, in the soon-to-be-filming (yep, apparently the rumors were false – the film hasn’t been delayed at all) redo

Ok, ok so it isn’t going to be Chucky and Jason but this does say that the movie hasn’t been postponed, which means that Rob Zombie isn’t taking into consideration what the critics think of his script. I’m happy that this doesn’t mean a Chuck VS Jason, I do not think that would have been a good idea.

Bad or good this movie will be holding true to Zombie’s vision. Let’s hope that his vision is scary in the right sort of way.

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