The Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie flick “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” took a lot of flack from some people, and to be honest I really can’t see why. No, it wasn’t an instant classic by any stretch of the imagination, but I thought it was a good, fun, enjoyable action/comedy that had a lot of things going for it and worked right. Did it have it’s weaknesses? Absolutely, but so do 99.99% of films.
Personally I think this film is set up well for a possible franchise, and it looks like I’m not the only one who might think that. The good folks over at Moviehole give us this:
Whether it’s because they feel they’re onto a good thing fiscally, whether it’s because it’ll be a nice tie-in with the upcoming TV spin-off (announced last week), or simply because there’s no better excuse for some simulated rumpo… Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are rumoured to be toying with the idea of a “Mr and Mrs Smith” sequel. MTV says the “Smith” follow-up is merely one idea that Mr and Mrs Save-the-Children are considering doing together.
Ok, I love the idea of another Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie. To me, it sorta had the same vibe (although not quite as good) as True Lies (another film I always whish they had done another one of). There is nothing wrong with some good, brainless, sexy action/comedy (are Brad Pitt and Vince Vaughn still on speaking terms?) with a couple of terrific performers. Yeah, I say go for it.