I’m a sucker for Sci-Fi and fantasy films of almost any type… seems like even when they’re complete crap I’ll still sit down to watch them (I watched a lot of Star Wars and played a lot of D&D as a kid). So when I read this news about an upcoming “The Dark Is Rising” movie, I sat up and took notice. Our good friends over at MoviesOnline give us this:
The Dark Is Rising Sequence tells the story of Will Stanton, a boy whose everyday life is turned upside down when he learns that he is the last of the “Old Ones,” a group of immortal warriors who have dedicated their lives to fighting the forces of the Dark. As he uncovers a series of mysterious clues, some dating back to the founding of Britain and others going all the way back to biblical times, Will discovers that with the Dark once again rising, the future of the world rests in his hands.
Hmmm… sounds a little bit like The Highlander crossed with a pinch of Harry Potter. Meh, whatever. Old concepts can be done in new ways. I’ve heard good things about the stories… think I’ll run out today and buy it to see if the film has any hope.