300 is one of those epic stylized period movies that just get you excited just looking at. As we have said before, 300 is the movie adaptation of the Graphic Novel by Frank Miller (Sin City). Right on the heels of me pondering on movies getting sequels before the first one is even out, we hear there may be a sequel to 300
CinemaBlend says:
With 300 set to open soon, the cast and crew are headed out to hit the junket circuit. Apparently producer Mark Canton didn’t do very well in history because according to a story picked up by FilmStalker at MoviesOnline, at one such junket Canton started touting a 300 sequel.
Now this makes a little more sense than Ghost Rider getting a sequel. That movie sounds doomed before it comes out. 300 however, is getting a LOT of buzz and is very anticipated.
Now I did say it makes a LITTLE more sense. It still doesnt make sense that they would make a sequel to something that hasn’t been out yet. There is no reaction, no reviews, nothing. How do they know it will live up to its buzz? What will they call it? 300 2? 400?
I know that Hollywood is all about churning out the money machines, but would it really hurt the production schedule if they just waited for the movie to come out before making a sequel?
There are other arguements to why a sequel might not make a lot of sense, but its kind of spoilerific for those who haven’t already read the graphic novel.
Click here to read the short CinemaBlend article about it if you dont care about spoilers.