5 Reasons The Transformers Will Rock

Everyone who has been around The Movie Blog for any period of time knows that my most anticipated film in the world right now is Transformers. Yes, it’s almost an unhealthy obsession. Some uneducated and unwashed heathens made up of low quality genetic material will try to tell you the Transformers suck… to which I quote the mighty Elias from Clerks 2: “Oh no they don’t. They’re more than meets the eye”. BooYa!!! :)

So here my international friends are the 5 main reasons why Transformers will rock.

Reason #1) Because they’re the fucking Transformers that’s why

Reason #2) Michael Bay

Ok, I know what most of you are thinking right now. Having Michael Bay attached to a film is usually why someone will say the movie will NOT be good. And while it’s all the rage for people to slam on Bay, the fact of the matter is that the dude has dome some fun flicks (as well as some horrible ones admittedly). But the point here is that he was the perfect choice to direct THIS TYPE of film. Everyone will tell you that no director does pure action better than Bay (you may not agree with that statement, but you have to at least admit he’s damn good at it). And let’s face it… this isn’t The Merchant of Venice here… it’s the Transformers. Boom! Pow! I’m not looking for the underlying juxtapositions on the moral struggle… I’m looking for giant robots kicking the living crap outta each other. And as odd as is it to say it… Michael Bay is the right man to do that.

Reason #3) Industrial Light and Magic

Brining these guys to life is going to be one of the biggest visual effects challenges in history. So who better to do the VFX than the De Facto very best Visual Effects company on the planet to do it. Industrial Light and Magic is in a league all their own. They are the best at what they do and no one in the business is better for the job of bringing the Cybertonians to the screen. Rhythm and Hughes are very good. WETA is great. ILM is King.

Reason #4) Sweet Nostalgia

This one is clearly more personal and not everyone will share it. But I grew up playing with the Transformers more than any other toy. Nothing other than Star Wars made my imagination more active. Now, to see these guys brought to the big screen is more than nostalgic for me… as sad as it sounds it’s something of a dream come true for me (and yes… it does sound sad). The designs have changed (great new designs by the way) but that was 100% required in order to do the film right. What is important is that the producers assured me the spirit and essence of who these robotic characters are is still 100% intact.

Reason #5) The Focus Is On The Transformers

During my visit to the Transformers set a few months back, one quote stood out to me the most… and made me the most happy. Josh Duhamel (The star of the TV show Las Vagas) told me as we were standing around in between takes: “Make no mistake, this is the Robot’s movie… not ours”. This was a sentiment reflected by just about everyone, cast and producers, on set. The focus of this film is on the Transformers. Humans are there clearly… and they have their part to play in the story… but as Josh said, “Make no mistake, this is the Robot’s movie… not ours”.

So there you have it. The five reasons why Transformers will rock. I already have a deep emotional connection to the Transformers so I’m not embarrassed to admit I’m biased, so obviously take all my transformers opinions with a grain of salt (which you should do all the time anyway). But I’m honestly stoked as hell… and the above are just some of the reasons why. Joy! This is why I love the movies! :)

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