The new sequel to Boogeyman, Boogieman 2 now has another horror actor in the cast, the Saw franchise’s Tobin Bell. The folks over at give us this
:Tobin Bell (Jigsaw from Saw, Saw II and Saw III) has landed a lead role in Boogeyman 2, according to Fangoria. The horror film is co-produced by Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert. Tapert says “(Screenwriter) Brian Sieve’s script is filled with scenes of outrageous terror that will redefine the BOOGEYMAN franchise”.
Here is the plot outline as given on the Boogeyman imdb web page: The script centers on a young woman with a long-term phobia of the bogeyman, who voluntarily checks herself into a mental health facility with the hope of conquering her overwhelming fears. However, much to her horror, she discovers that some things are terrifying on purpose, and confronting her demons was not the best course of action.
So this looks alright, could be a good one to take a bunch of friends to. As far as sequels go this doesn’t look terrible but to be honest I never saw the first one, didn’t see any advertisements for it so I’m surprised that a second is coming out way. If I see a trailer and it looks decent then seeing it on a matinee is a good possibility.