FCC puts focus on TV violence

television.jpgThe Federal Communications Commission has come up with some new news regarding television violence. The people over at imdb.com give us the details :

The FCC has drafted a report suggesting ways in which violence on television may be restricted without raising First Amendment issues, the Associated Press disclosed Thursday. According to the wire service, the report suggests that Congress could require television networks to limit violent content by barring it during times when children are likely to see it.

In an interview with the A.P., FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said, “In general, what the commission’s report says is that there is strong evidence that shows violent media can have an impact on children’s behavior and there are some things that can be done about it.”

There is something worrisome when a government commission feels they need to make a specific mention to the fact that their report will not interfere with The First Amendment. It gets me thinking. I do agree that there are definitely violent TV shows on the air at times when children should not be watching them. It is a good idea for them to be moved back because violence can effect kids in a bad way.

However the most violent show I know of on television is the news. Will this report affect the news? Does this mean all of the bloodiest stories are going to be pushed from the 6 o’clock news to the 11 o’clock news? Because if that is the case then I definitely have a problem with what the FCC is trying to do. Less people will be seeing the whole story. If the stories are pushed back until later it will encourage more people to put their heads in the sand and ignore the growing problems around us. Ignorance isn’t bliss, it’s dangerous.

Our children need to understand the world that they live in, it will make them better people, more understanding of other cultures. Parents that are worried about the affects of the news should sit with their children and explain things to them as each news piece comes up.

If kids are too sheltered from what is going on in their world it will have a far more detrimental effect on them than any made up TV show with a few guns.

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