They sure have been taking their sweet time getting the ball rolling on Sin City 2. Casting ups and downs, whispers of conflict between Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez, delays… yadda yadda yadda. But now there finally seemsto be some signs of life. The folks over at Sci Fi give us this:
Frank Miller, who wrote and co-directed Sin City based on his popular graphic novels, told SCI FI Wire that Sin City 2 is a go and that he hopes to be in Texas to shoot the film by late spring. Miller and Robert Rodriguez will again share directing duties on the sequel.
“The script is largely done, and now we’re in that limbo zone where we’re casting and making script adjustments as we go,” Miller said in an interview while promoting 300, which he executive-produced and which is also based on one of his graphic novels.
Sin City was a beautiful movie. No, I’m not talking about the violence or the gore or even the style (although all of that was pretty damn sweet too). I’m talking about the story. When you get past the violence and style, you have a pretty touching story about 3 throw away guys (Willis, Rourke and Owen) who each find some small sign of beauty in the world, and each decide to risk everything and go to drastic measures to protect or avenge it.
Sin City 2 will be based on “A Dame To Kill For” which is one that I haven’t read yet… but I understand it’s a prequel. Any of you guys read it? How does it compare?