Pirates of the Caribbean 3 Plot Story Outline (SPOILERS)

Ok folks, the word “SPOILERS” was created for occasions such as this one. Below you’ll find the full story and plot outline for the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean 3 film. And when i say spoilers… I really mean SPOILERS! If you don’t want to know anything about the movie… then for heaven’s sake DO NOT READ THE TEXT BELOW.

Personally, as most of you know, I thought Pirates 1 was AMAZING, but that Pirates 2 was a bit of a let down. It didn’t SUCK, but I was expecting a lot better from it. Having said that I have huge hopes for Pirates 3. Here’s hoping they’re able to pull it off that way it should be. The story makes it sound promising.

So now, highlight the area below to read the story outline for Pirates 3… and once again, BE AWARE THAT IT’S FULL OF SPOILERS. Highlight and read at your own risk:

The story (as it has appeared on internet blogs) goes like this: “Will, Elizabeth and Capt’n Jack Sparrow are once again thrown together for a showdown between the fiercely independent Pirate Lords from around the world and the all powerful East India Trading Company led by the mysterious & cunning Lord Cutler Beckett.

With possession of Davey Jones’s chest, Beckett is now able to use Jones and his ship the Flying Dutchman to further his plans of ridding the open seas of all Pirates. In response to this growing threat, the Pirate Lords call for a secret meeting at Shipwreck Cove.

Newly returned from the other side, Capt’n Barbossa agrees to help Will and Elizabeth rescue Jack who is now trapped in a very strange afterworld known as Davey Jones’s Locker. This unlikely trio makes their way to the exotic Far East where they meet Captain Sao Feng, the Pirate Lord of Singapore, and retrieve a special map that will then show them the way to Davey Jones’s Locker.

Their course ultimately leads them to the edge of the world where their ship sails over a giant waterfall and comes crashing down through the darkness and literally into another dimension.

There, Will, Elizabeth and Barbossa meet a somewhat bewildered Jack Sparrow still on board his beloved ship the Black Pearl, which is now stranded in the middle of a vast desert. Using reverse logic, Jack figures out a way to sail the Black Pearl back to the world of the living, where they are immediately attacked by Beckett and Davey Jones.

After a series of plot twists and turns, Jack, Barbossa, Will and Elizabeth ultimately end up at Shipwreck Cove for the meeting of the Pirate Lords.

During this meeting, the Pirate Lords agree to fight together against the approaching armada of ships led by Beckett and Davey Jones.

The story’s awesome conclusion unfolds in a huge sea battle between the massive fleet of the East India Trading Company and the Pirate Lords led by Jack, Will and Elizabeth.

While they are outnumbered and outgunned, they hold a secret weapon so powerful but so unpredictable that both sides may be lost in this final confrontation for ultimate control of the open seas.

Epic swordfights, witty dialog (Sparrow uses a cannon to blast himself from one ship to the next saying to his mate as he lights the fuse, “It’s a good thing that I’m mad. Because otherwise this plan would never work”), and spectacular special effects.

Wow, to me that sounds EXACTLY like what the final installment of the Pirates saga should be. Man, i really hope they don’t low it like they did for Pirates 2. I’m really looking forward to this. Source: M&C

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