Repeat after me. “All video game based movies suck”. Now repeat that 100 times and you shall be well on your way to wisdom. Having said that, there are exceptions to every rule… and I’m sure at some point in time there will be an exception to this one… but we just haven’t seen it yet. So who knows… maybe Prince Of Persia will be that movie.
The good folks over at Moviehole give us this:
Walt Disney Pictures — in conjunction with Jerry Bruckheimer Films — is now gearing up to put a “Prince of Persia” movie into production. Because it’s thought that a film based on this hugely popular series of Ubisoft Entertainment games (Which — in theory — will be Disney’s big action-adventure release for the Summer of 2008) could then lead to a new hit series of movies for the studio.
Now, the one thing I will say for Prince of Persia is that when you look at the games as a collective, you actually have more story depth than you do in any of the others… so PERHAPS something could be worked with here. But still… it would require a LOT of adaptation. I’ll accept a “wait and see” attitude for this one… but being a video game movie I won’t hold my breath. Here’s hoping for something good.