I got a great little email from my friend Josh over at Cinemablend who made me aware of an article that ran in the New York Times the other day. As you know, I’ve been going off on Disney for the malicious, underhanded, dirty and flat out lying promotional campaign for the new film “Bridge to Terabithia”. In short, the trailers and commercials make it 100% look like a fantasy adventure film… when it’s neither fantasy or adventure at all in any way, shape or form… in an attempt to trick children to want to see it.
Anyway, The New York Times ran an article on it. Here’s an excerpt:
Advertising campaigns for movies present a carefully edited, and often misleading, glimpse of the films they promote. But a funny thing happened after some fans began seeing advance screenings of “Bridge to Terabithia,” which opened Friday: Bloggers started telling people to ignore the ads and see the movie, as did both Ms. Paterson and the film’s director.
John Campea of theMovieBlog.com had a similar reaction. “Bridge to Terabithia is one of the worst cases of false and misleading advertising campaigns for a film I’ve ever seen,” he wrote, adding that he was nevertheless “happy to recommend” the movie.
Glad to know I wasn’t the only one who thought so. And yes… the only reason I put this post up is because I’m a total media whore and I love seeing my name in print… so sue me. :) You can read the whole article here.